Collaborative Learning

Flourish Coalition’s collaborative learning programs offer live virtual ​sessions where participants have an opportunity to engage in peer-to-​peer learning and reflection through educational resources, ​discussions, individual exercises, group activities, and practice ​partnerships. Inspired by the liberatory educational approach of ​Brazilian educator and philosopher Paulo Freire, the goal of these ​programs is to support our individual and collective development of a ​critical consciousness about our food system and society and to ​promote grassroots action in service of greater justice, sustainability, ​and compassion.

Anti-Racism in Food System Education: A Critical Approach for Liberatory Learning

This collaborative learning program provides a critical framework for bringing a ​racial justice and liberatory lens to food system education. The program explores ​​​how racialized systems of power and privilege have operated to create patterns of ​harm and injustice within the U.S. food system since its inception and ​possibilities for reimagining a world outside of oppressive systems. Designed for ​educators and advocates, the program invites participants to deepen their own ​understanding of race and systems of racial hierarchy, including colonialism and ​racial capitalism, and how these systems have led to injustices within the food ​system that harm racialized groups of human and nonhuman animals, including ​food insecurity and apartheid, forced labor and worker exploitation, and a lack of ​community control and direction in regard to our food system.

Beyond a Paradigm of War

Puerto Rican philosopher and critical theorist Dr. Nelson Maldonado-Torres uses ​the language of a “paradigm of war” to describe how social relations are ​constructed within a colonial worldview and framework. The paradigm of war ​assumes and normalizes an ongoing state and process of conflict and domination ​in order to maintain power, ultimately through various mechanisms of ​marginalization, exploitation, and oppression. Dr. Maldonado-Torres explores how ​this paradigm of war, that manifests through historical and contemporary ​colonialism and imperialism, shapes global society and dominant systems, cultural ​narratives, and practices. This program examines our society and food system ​through this paradigm of war and explores how we might envision, promote, and ​practice alternatives of greater justice, care, and solidarity.

Food System Transformation: A Multi-Species, ​Interrelated Justice Framework for Change

This collaborative learning program offers an introduction to issues of our food ​system through a systems- and equity-framework, grounded in a sanctuary ethos ​of multi-species care and community. The program features the stories of ​sanctuary residents, caregivers, and community members as a foundation for ​learning about the complex web of interrelated issues of justice in the food ​system, including the impacts on workers, communities, and the planet. The ​program includes educational presentations, readings and resources, facilitated ​discussions, and community-building activities related to the impacts of our food ​system and models for social change. The program draws upon the wisdom and ​experience of our participants and multi-racial coalition partners, highlighting the ​individuals, communities, and grassroots organizations leading food system ​change across movements.

Care Praxis for Justice & Liberation

This program offers a space for fostering a community of practice and support ​where we can each work to cultivate a liberatory and counter-oppressive care ​praxis in service of our individual and collective well-being as we engage in the ​work of social transformation for the benefit of humans, fellow animals, and our ​shared planet. We will explore alternatives to societal patterns and dynam​ics of destruction, domination, exploitation/extraction, and relational alienatio​n that harmfully affect the well-being of ourselves and our communities, particula​rly as we are working to promote social change. The goal is to normalize a cultur​e that prioritizes care, justice, and liberation and to build the the tools and res​ources for doing so together, ultimately supporting our collective flouris​hing.

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