Grassroots Action

Flourish Coalition’s focus on grassroots action involves promoting and ​supporting on-the-ground community-led initiatives in service of food ​justice and food system transformation and care, justice, and liberation ​for people, fellow animals, and our shared ecosystem more broadly. ​We connect people to opportunities for engaging in multiracial ​community and cultural organizing, mutual aid, solidarity, and ​volunteering.

We are grounded in an ethos of multi-species care and community and ​a systems framework that recognizes social injustices as interrelated ​and seeks to address root causes. We, therefore, recognize cross-​movement solidarity and coalition building through collaborative ​grassroots action as central to transforming the shared roots of ​injustice. Our vision, values, and practices orient toward prioritizing, ​centering, and promoting community-led initiatives and taking action ​to counter systems of oppression that harm and disenfranchise those ​most impacted by societal injustice.

In particular, we partner with farm and food worker justice ​organizations, community-led food organizations, and farmed animal ​sanctuaries to promote justice for farmers and food and farm workers, ​food security for our communities, care and liberation for fellow ​animals, and respect and regenerative practices for our planet.

One of our main grassroots action initiatives is our STAR (Sanctuary ​Transport & Animal Refuge) Network, which is a national network ​providing transport and refuge support to help animals arrive safely to ​sanctuary.

Sign-up for our email list to be the first to ​receive updates about opportunities for ​engaging in grassroots action.