Building broad coalitions to promote food security & a just, climate resilient, & community-led food system.

We aim to counter harm and grow sanctuary where all can flourish

The way we produce food in the United States harms humans, fellow animals, and the life-support systems of our planet

 Flourish Coalition emerged in ​response to the pervasive patterns ​of harm in the U.S. food system ​that deprive our communities and ​exploit and commodify the labor of ​workers, the bodies of fellow ​animals, and the life support ​systems of our planet.

Transforming Interrelated Injustices in the U.S. Food System

We support and prioritize education and community-led initiatives that promote:

  • Food security

  • Environmental justice & protections

  • Sustainable, regenerative, &
    climate resilient practices

  • Respect for animal autonomy & well being

  • Land rematriation &
    recognition of Indigenous
    sovereignty & rights

  • Sanctuary for animals

  • Worker power & protections

  • Land & economic justice for
    farmers & growers

  • Community reclamation &
    control of our footways

  • Reparative action to disrupt
    ongoing legacies of colonial,
    imperial, & racial violence

Our goal is to fundamentally shift power and control of our foodways to communities rather than corporations. We focus on building broad food system solidarity and promoting community-led and plant-based alternatives rooted in justice for fellow animals, humans, and the planet.


Flourish Coalition provides opportunities for collaborative learning and multiracial community and cultural organizing through grassroots action.

Collaborative Learning

We offer collaborative learning opportunities through learning resources and community-based offerings in the form of presentations, workshops, and immersive learning programs. The focus is on reconnecting people to our foodways, raising awareness of the realities of our food system, and developing a shared language that supports collaboration and helps to inform more just possibilities. The goal is for participants to feel equipped and inspired to engage in grassroots action.

Grassroots Action

Our grassroots action programming entails community and cultural organizing to build people power in support of coalition partners and community initiatives aligned with the promotion of a just, community-led, and climate resilient food system. We work to divest ourselves and our communities of the mechanisms that perpetuate food system injustice and to articulate, practice, and promote alternatives that foster the collective thriving of humans, fellow animals, and the planet.

Community of Practice

STAR Network

Become a Founding Supporter

Your contribution as a Founding Supporter will ​help to galvanize Flourish Coalition’s work to ​transform the interrelated injustices of the U.S. ​food system and promote more just, climate resilient, and ​community-led alternatives.